What is it?
Microneedling is a non-invasive skin care treatment to improve scarring, fine lines and wrinkles, and stimulates collagen growth through micro injury to the dermis. This treatment causes your skin to naturally heal itself without harsh chemical products or significant downtime.
Where can I use it?
Stretch Marks
What can I expect?
Initial results can be seen at 1 month after the first treatment. 3 treatments are recommended for best results.
The appointment takes about 1 hour: 30 minutes of topical numbing cream and 20-30 minutes of procedure time depending on how many areas are being treated.
Patients will be red following the treatment, which resolves by the following day. A tinted moisturizer can mask most of the redness.
After 3 treatments, 4-6 weeks apart, the results last 1 year.
Does it hurt?
Patients will experience minimal discomfort due to topical numbing cream.
After Care
Proper skin hydration and sunscreen is recommended following each treatment